Double-glazing in Warm Climates?

A client recently asked whether they should consider double glazing for their new home in Queensland.  Here’s what we advised: 1.  Double glazing absolutely assists in keeping heat out during summer, and providing increased insulation during winter, as well as...

HERO NatHERS Software

  There is a new player in the NatHERS Software space, and it could be a game changer. Background For the last ten years, there have been only three accredited software providers able to satisfy the NCC’s requirement for reducing the heating and cooling...

Changes to Walls and Glazing, NCC 2019, Vol.1

Walls and Glazing (J1.5) In the past, a building’s external walls, internal envelope walls, and glazing, were assessed as three separate components. With NCC 2019, the conditioned envelope wall-glazing construction is assessed as a whole, either for the whole...